What is new
Welcome. Several items have been recently added or updated in this site. In the first column we present the main planetary aspects for the current month plus selected important historical events and a daily quote that characterizes, esoterically, each day of the month. New entries are added to the Glossary plus a few new articles about various teachings. You are encouraged to email us in order to receive the quarterly newsletter and also submit your contributions and opinions. The latest newsletter can be found below. The archive of all published Newsletters is HERE. The archive of all published newsletter Articles is HERE
Motto: Be humble, if thou would’st attain to Wisdom. Be humbler still, when Wisdom thou hast mastered. Be like the Ocean which receives all streams and rivers. The Ocean’ mighty calm remains unmoved; it feels them not.
H. P. Blavatsky, The Book of the Golden Precepts [more]
A Thought for a Day [here]
New Millennium Ethics
I shall try to show what I mean by the term “positive ethical conduct” [and] propose a spiritual revolution. [more]
Advaita Vedanta
Advaita Vedanta is probably the best known of all Vedanta schools of philosophy of Hinduism. Advaita Vedanta teaches the radical non-dual view that there is ultimately no distinction between the Absolute and Relative (the relative universe). [more]
The Dark Sea Of Awareness
This brief article summarizes the main points of Carlos Castaneda's teachings about the nature of perception, inner silence, intent and achieving total freedom. [more]
Great Masters: Pythagoras
The scientific paradigm that dominates the contemporary world has as one of its primary sources the life and work of Pythagoras, one of the most significant representatives of the perennial philosophy and a founder of the esoteric tradition. After a short introduction we will try to summarize key ideas presented by this great spirit in modern terms. [more]
J. Krishnamurti: a Great Soul
"Truth is a pathless land". This is probably the most famous quote of this great soul, Jiddu Krishnamurti. He insisted that one cannot approach truth by following any authority, dogma or socio-political system; instead, he emphasized the need for the "elimination" of the "self" and the endless thought processes that categorize, fragment and select, thus resulting in conflict and pain. To learn more about him and his teaching click [here].
Jalaluddin Rumi
Finally you have broken away and departed into the Unseen; I wonder, I wonder—by which way did you depart from the world? "The Eternal Tavern" [more]
The Universe in an Atom
“This book is not an attempt to unite science and spirituality […] but an effort to examine two important human disciplines for the purpose of developing a more holistic and integrated way of understanding the world around us, one that explores deeply the seen and the unseen, through the discovery of evidence bolstered by reason. […] I believe that spirituality and science are different but complementary investigative approaches with the same greater goal, of seeking the truth.”
The Ιmportance of Greek Mythology
We are all Athenians in a sense, for the ideas of ancient Greece have permeated our whole culture [more]
The Ultimate Attainment
The past is already past.
Don't try to regain it.
The present does not stay.
Don't try to touch it.
From moment to moment.
The future has not come;
Don't think about it
Zen poetry by Pang Yun [more]